Jenna Reiss


Jenna, Breathwork Meditation Coach, teaches group and private sessions working with clients to break free from old patterns and improve the everyday perspective. Using an active breathing technique called Breathwork Meditation, and Life Coaching tactics, Jenna's corporate and individual clients achieve more balanced temperaments, stronger stress management skills, and strengthened grounding. Studying with highly respected worldwide author, healer and breathwork teacher, David Elliott, Jenna infuses these teachings using an individualistic and holistic approach guiding her clients deep into a higher state of consciousness.

Classes/privates taught at Unplug:

  • Breathwork

Why I practice meditation:

Breathwork Meditation transformed my life and I continue practicing because I love living life my most authentic self.

Why I teach meditation:

I teach because I believe in the personal power of oneself, and there is no end to the depth in human beings and their natural capacity to love or change a life. Breathwork Meditation has the power to help you clear out the clutter, and re-connect with your authentic self. And that, I believe, has the power to change the world.


Connect with Jenna: