Visit Unplug Los Angeles
12401 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 101
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 826-8899
There is a parking lot behind the building - enter from Carmelina Ave. The cost is $3/hour with validation.
There is also street parking in the surrounding area - be sure to read the street signs, pay the meters, etc.
Please enter the studio through the lobby, which can be accessed from both Wilshire Blvd. and the back parking lot.
Questions? Contact us below -
+ Where should I park and enter the building?
Unplug is located at 12401 Wilshire Blvd. (the north side of Wilshire). We offer our guests parking spaces directly behind the meditation studio (it is $3 with validation, cash only) in addition to the metered on-street parking on Wilshire and South Carmelina. Adjacent Centinela has free two hour parking. Please check the signs for street cleaning days and parking bans. You may enter the studio through the lobby via Wilshire Blvd. or from the rear parking lot.
+ Do I need to bring anything?
Just bring yourself - all you need to meditate is nothing! Some people like to bring an extra sweater or blanket (we sell blankets if you need one). You will meditate using our super comfy custom 5-position floor chairs. You will come check in, hand in your electronics, take off your shoes and be let into class.
+ What should I wear?
You can wear anything you are comfortable in. Some people come in suits from work, some in workout clothes, some in PJs! Remember, "Comfort is queen" when meditating so we encourage warm and comfortable clothes but there is no required dress code.
+ What if I'm late, even by only 1 minute?
We have a strict policy for starting and ending classes on time. Unfortunately, if you are late, you will not be let into class so as to not disturb our meditators. Please always arrive early, plan time for possible traffic, parking, etc.
+ What is your cell phone policy?
No cell phones or electronics are allowed in the meditation room. You will be asked to hand in your devices when you check in. You are welcome to leave them at home/in your car if you prefer, but they will always be safe behind the front desk. It's all about unplugging!
+ Can I bring my kids to class?
Yes but only if they are 16 and older. If they are 14+ they must be accompanied by a parent and have no issues with sitting still or uncontrollable giggling. They will not be permited into our breathwork classes. Children, 15 and under are not permitted to be left in the lobby unaccompanied by an adult. Anyone under the age of 12 can take our wonderful Unplug Kids Program, so please check our schedule! The Dalai Lama once said, "If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation."
+ What is the cancellation policy for Memberships?
You may cancel your Weekly Membership at anytime. You must cancel on your end within your Mindbody account. See instructions below.
To avoid being charged for the upcoming week and beyond, cancellations must be completed prior to your next auto-renewal date. Please watch this video tutorial HERE on how to self cancel your membership or follow the steps below:
- Visit the Unplug site on Mindbody HERE.
- Login to your Mindbody account with your email and password.
- Click Account along the top menu bar.
- Scroll to the Autopays section, find the Weekly membership and click Terminate.
Refunds: Requests for a refund of Weekly dues will not be honored for any time period in which your account shows a lack of utilization. To avoid being charged for the following week, cancellations must be completed within your Mindbody account by the day before your renewal date.
The Elite Monthly Memberships requires a two-month commitment.
All cancellation requests for the Elite Monthly Membership must be sent in writing via email to info@unplug.com and sent at least 7 days prior to the end of the month to cancel for the following month.
+ What is the freeze policy for Memberships?
We do not accept freezes on the Weekly Membership. You may cancel and reactivate your Weekly Membership at anytime.
All freeze requests for the Elite Monthly Membership must be sent in writing via email to info@unplug.com and sent at least 15 days prior to the end of the month. You may freeze your membership up to three months per year.
+ What classes are good for beginners?
All of the classes are designed for new students, but can also work for the pro. The classes meet you wherever you are.
+ Why should I meditate?
If you want to be able to focus on demand, access calm, have more control over your brain, you're going to want to meditate. The benefits of meditation are endless and scientifically proven. Visit our 'Why meditate' page to learn about all the science and benefits.
+ What if I can't sit still?
That's okay. We won't hit you with a stick (like they would at a zen monastery). Here, we just ask you to move mindfully to reposition.
+ What if I can't stop thinking?
Thinking is natural in meditation. In fact, the practice is noticing what you're thinking, being aware of what you're thinking, and then redirecting your focus to a single focal point that your teacher will guide you to. Think of it like bicep curls but for your brain. The more you do this the more you will actually strengthen and grow your brain.
+ What if I fall asleep?
Falling asleep during meditation is very common. If you fall asleep and are making disruptive noises, the teacher or your neighbor will gently wake you up.