H.E. Greer — Unplug


H.E. Greer


H.E. is a healer, breathwork facilitator, and yogi. Touring the world throughout his 20’s as a musical theatre star, he learned how to harness the power of breath, sound, and energy at a fundamental level. In fact, when he was even younger, a spontaneous and miraculous healing of a bone disease opened the door to a life of seeking how the mind heals. His devotion as a seeker eventually landed him in a kundalini yoga studio in 2013 where he learned the efficacy of a disciplined daily practice. Combined with a healthy dose of Abraham Hicks’ law of attraction principles, that’s when his personal development work really started to pay off.

The day his Kundalini Yoga teacher unexpectedly died his wife reintroduced him to Dr Joe Dispenza – when one door closes… This ignited a period of deep scientific study on what exactly breath and meditation do to the brain and body - and how they are so effective. He found that the more he knew how and why, the more his motivation to practice grew. It’s all about the practice! The masters say, “there is no such thing as a bad meditation”. H.E. has plowed through hundreds of bad meditations only to find greater and higher levels of ecstasy on the other side. The information available in those states are unknown to most humans and those higher states of understanding and happiness are available to us all through this work. Breathwork is adaptogenic – it heals. He also incorporates toning into his classes because he believes the human voice carries healing frequencies and when focused is one of the most powerful healing devices on earth. We heal together!

When H.E. is not leading breathwork, coaching, or meditating; you can find him and his wife helping their real estate clients. Additionally, they heal homes together using sound and vibrations. His trainings and certifications have had him work with Dr Joe Dispenza, David Elliott, Mantak Chia & Qigong, SRF & Kriya Yoga (Paramanhansa Yogananda), Kundalini Yoga, BioGeometry, Aaron Abke & 4D University, and Jerry Sargeant.

Why I Practice Meditation:

Because it works. What works you ask? Everything! When life “happens”, which it always does, I have the choice to frame it as happening to me or for me…my practice is what gives me the mental strength to hold the truth that life in my greatest guru. I believe I am the creator of ALL my experiences and to keep my mind focused in the direction I want, I must practice those thoughts, experiences and realities. We name it a practice for a reason. I view meditation is mind training. Through breathwork and meditation I get to experience ecstatic states I never dreamed possible, but honestly, that’s just a glorious by-product. My practice is EVERYTHING. Without my daily practice, I am nothing.

Why I Teach Meditation:

Two Truths I live by – Knowledge, like wealth is intended for Use & Only what I do not give can ever be lacking. I am blessed with a life partner who helps motivate me to show up daily on the meditation mat. It is vital we create community and assist other humans on their path to awakening. We are exponentially so much more powerful than we can even comprehend. We CAN make a difference! We are change agents and we all must do our part to raise the vibration of our planet.

H.E. Greer

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