Harry Paul


Harry has lived a varied and multi-faceted life; he can relate to all human life experience. As a shaman in Los Angeles, Harry offers access to the inner world of peace in the midst of the metropolis, providing a deep anchor and connection with the power of one’s own infinite potential. Harry has been all over the world studying everything from shamanism, Buddhism, Eastern Philosophy, Yoga Sutras, massage, physical therapy, cranial sacral therapy, reiki, sound therapy, light therapy, aromatherapy, reflexology, the Kabbalah, TM Meditation and The Course in Miracles.

Classes/privates taught at Unplug:

  • Breathwork 

  • Healing

  • Sound Therapy

  • Light Therapy

Why I practice meditation:

One of the most dangerous things in this life is a undisciplined mind. I practice meditation because it allows for a more grounded, centered, purposeful life.

Why I teach meditation:

I teach, because I can't not. It is a calling and purpose that I came to this life to do. The thing about now being a teacher is that I am always a student.

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