You are invited to think and feel through the desires that are currently driving you and uncover their true meaning and relative importance.
You will also learn how to better manage the limiting beliefs and resistance that may be preventing you from expressing these desires to their highest potential.
During this class you will discover what areas of your life are asking to be addressed and, in the process, discover the underlying network of your heartfelt desires. Each desire supports and connects to another. With this information you can create an action and attraction plan that works as a holistic and sustainable approach to manifesting what you want and actualizing who you are.
About Melissa: Melissa Meredith Wells was raised and educated on the east coast attending Tufts University Museum School of Fine Arts and New York City Studio School. She spent untold hours in personal and spiritual growth seminars, intensives, Gestalt and Jungian therapy and group work.
She is an honest to goodness real creative and lived the free range lifestyle of a highly ambitious creative soul – from painting in lofts in New York City, playing bass in Boston bands, co-founding a start-up coaching application in Silicon Valley, to teaching and training artists, executives, CEOs and even roller derby girls about energy, learning styles, creativity, vision boards, and creative visualization.
She published the first ever Vision Board Clip Art book in 2020 and started a movement for vision board makers worldwide.
There is a continuous thread woven throughout her varied life experiences. Ever since she was quite young Melissa was always drawn to spiritual and mystical material. It is her true calling! It pervaded—and at times even superseded—all else.
Virtual FRI, 3/18 | 7:15pm-8:15pm | Included in Membership