Shannon Algeo


Shannon Algeo is a speaker, coach, and yoga + meditation teacher who has helped thousands of people around the globe tune into their life’s purpose and activate transformative personal and career growth. He is the founder of SoulFeed, the iTunes Top Self-Help Podcast, where he interviews inspirational leaders like Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Seane Corn, Gabby Bernstein, and more. Shannon was named one of the “Nicest Instructors in New York City” by RateYourBurn for his work as a yoga teacher and his coaching intuition has been called a “gift to the wellbeing community.” He leads corporate mindfulness programs for companies like the global non-profit (RED) founded by Bono as well as several start up companies. In addition to giving talks for lululemon and Wanderlust, Shannon was invited to speak for the United Nations at the "Yoga and the UN Culture of Peace." Shannon is a co-founder of Awaken.Yoga, a online sacred space for you to practice yoga + meditation so that you can tune into yourself and practice whenever you want.

Why I practice meditation:

In our culture of over-achieving, external validation, and incessant doing, mediation allows me to radically defy the pressure to keep going, press the pause button, and experience my own being. Every time I sit, I am gifted the opportunity to be still, listen, receive, and begin again. I love experiencing glimpses of deep peace. Meditation reminds me that I can consciously choose respond to life with love instead of unconsciously react to life from fear.

Why I teach meditation:

Our inner environment informs the way we see and show up in the world. I believe that in order to create a rippling vibration of peace on the planet, we must know and embody the experience of peace within ourselves. It is a great honor and privilege to facilitate and guide people into a deeply relaxed state of rest and peace. 


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