Reiki Two Certification Training brings you to a deeper level of understanding of Reiki. You will become more aware of the responsibility of this power you are accepting, and expand your capacity for healing others. We will also touch on the business of Reiki and how to hold space among other things. During this class you will receive the Reiki Two Attunement, giving you an amplified ability to channel Reiki and give “distance healing”, and officially be a “Reiki Two” level healer. You will receive your Reiki Two Certification following the class.
Reiki Two Gifts:
-Amplified ability to channel Reiki energy
-Expansion of your capacity to heal others
-Develop new levels of awareness
-Have a deeper understanding of Reiki
-Power and know how to perform distance healing
-Feel like a pro sharing Reiki healing with others
-Learn Reiki symbols, how to draw them, and how to use them
-Learn how to cleanse spaces, cleanse, charge, and program crystals
-Learn about other types of complimentary healing arts that work synergistically with Reiki including Crystal healing, Color therapy, and Sound healing.
-Open your psychic abilities resulting in psychic growth over time
-Know how to effectively hold space for clients
-Learn how to infuse Reiki in a group setting
-Learn about the business of Reiki and how to set yourself up professionally
-Begin your own powerful physical and emotional cleansing lasting close to 6 months
Sunday, January 14, 2024
1:00 pm-6:00 pm | In-Person