Every Friday night, we bring special guests from around the world to share their expertise with the Unplug community. From doctors and neuroscientists to shamanic healers, motivational speakers, and everything between. This is a high-value, unique, and fun experience you don't want to miss! (Warning- this is not a typical Unplug class. The event may OR *may not include meditation)
THIS WEEK: Christine Hassler!
Christine is a master coach who combines life coaching with the principles of spiritual psychology. She has spoken to over 100,000 people at colleges, personal growth events, conferences, and corporations. Christine has appeared as an expert on The Today Show, CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, E!, Style and PBS, as well as various local television and radio shows, speaking about generation diversity, millennials, resilience, leadership, life balance and “Expectation Hangovers®” – a phenomenon she identified and trademarked. She is also a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post and Cosmo.
Tonight's talk and live-coaching is based on Christine’s latest national best seller Expectation Hangover, where you will learn how to pursue the right goals for the right reasons and also what to do when things don’t work out as expected. The evening will end with a book signing in the lobby.
* Understanding why change happens
* How to develop a positive perspective on personal and professional setbacks
* The “secret sauce to pursuing goals without expectations
* Navigate communication during challenging times effectively
* Turn your disappointments into possibilities
* Three ways to immediately raise your fulfillment level and life balance
FRI | Aug 3rd | 7:15-8:15pm
Reserve here: https://bit.ly/2KTqh3t