
An art installation by famed artist Scott Froschauer, greens coordinator Pedram Pezeshkan, and Unplug Founder Suze Yalof Schwartz, located in front of Unplug Los Angeles

 Miracles Happen Everyday in LA.

This exhibition is a gift to Los Angeles to remind us all just how incredible this town and the people are.

Artist Scott Froschauer’s signs make you want to stop, breathe and smile and most importantly be fully present in the only moment we have, NOW.

Unplug Founder, Suze Yalof Schwartz was so inspired when she first saw Scott’s signs on Instagram and even more surprised when she found out he lived in LA. When she reached out to him and asked him if he wanted to be a part of cheering up LA he miraculously said YES and that he wanted to do it for LOVE. Voila - Unplug’s first-ever art show!

The second miracle happened in downtown LA in the Flower Market where Suze met Pedram Pezeshkan (AKA Pete Greens). Pete is a Hollywood Greens Coordinator who has greenified tv and movie sets such as Transformers, War of The World, Mr & Mrs Smith, and The Morning Show. Pete not only helped Suze pull all the flowers but created the sets for love and to bring joy.


Brought To You By

Artist Scott Froschauer ,
Founder of Unplug Meditation Suze Yalof Schwartz ,
and greens coordinator Pedram Pezeshkan (aka Pete Greens)


About Scott

Scott Froschauer is an experimental artist who lives and works in Los Angeles, and he likes it there. His background consists of a structured education in Engineering, Theoretical Linguistics, Science, Art, Computer Programming and Business along with practical experience in Fabrication, Design, Non-ordinary Reality, Experiential Narrative, Venture Capital, Counterfeiting and Breathing. Scott’s work is first and foremost experiential, focusing on pieces that are not easily captured through photography and digital distribution. From the setting of reassuring street signs to the texture of burnt canvas, Scott’s pieces are designed to be experienced in person.

Some of his work is an exploration in emotional connectedness, some work is about revolution, particularly considering that our culture considers being connected to oneself as a revolutionary act, but his primary focus is on exploring new spaces and techniques for communication.

“I have a really strong connection to Los Angeles, so this is an amazing opportunity for me to give something back to the city that has given me so much. The signs work to remind us that we don’t need external things in order to validate our identity. This installation is about being complete as you are, which means being present and finding validation within yourself rather than thinking that your identity is based on external things”
-Artist Scott Froschauer

About Suze

Suze called on her decades of work at Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire and Glamour, and her experience as the regular makeover guru on GMA, The Today Show and CBS This Morning, to give meditation a makeover of its own. She is the founder and CEO of the unplug app and the world’s first drop in meditation studio Unplug Meditation.

As a busy person who believes that meditation can be delivered without excess fluff or fuss, Suze created original content from top global wellness and meditation experts to inspire and transform. “We all need to Unplug so when we plug back in we can be more present, productive and positive human beings.”

Suze is on a mission to inspire everyone to join her and unplug for just a few minutes every day.

“The goal is to accelerate transformation in Los Angeles from negative to positive energy and sprinkle love to the city we love. I don’t think it will be possible for someone to pass this installation and not smile. I think we could all use a little more joy, surprise and delight”
-Suze Yalof Schwartz, CEO/Founder of Unplug.

Pedram Pezeshkan

Pedram Pezeshkan, Hollywood's top greens coordinator has worked on projects like: Transformers, War of the Worlds, The Island and The Morning Show.

He is passionate about set transformation and has been working on top movies and television shows for more than two decades.

“I am doing this event because it is amazing. The art brings me joy just seeing it and I know it will do the same for others , it is nice to bring the community together with such strong art.”
-Pedram Pezeshkan (AKA Pete Greens)

You probably have already seen a bunch of his work in the movies, to see more click the button below!



To download the press release for LA Love Letter, click below